Site Surveys for 120 Couche-Tard Stores

The purpose with any site survey is to ensure that there is good coordination between those who are making the specification, those installing and those who are requesting. Working with Store Image, Trade Sync was hired to conduct over 120 site survey

TTC installation of NVAS

The next level of customer service has arrived at TTC. The NVAS “next vehicle arrive system” screens show when the next vehicle will arrive at an individual transit shelters. The LED screens installed by Trade Sync

Varsity Kiosk

The University of Toronto continues its expansion as a high performance sport facility. As part of the upgrade, the Varsity Centre entryway received a new face lift with the installation of new Varsity Kiosk. Trade Sync has provided their expertise to install a custom fitted sign

InfoToGo Pillar Removal

The City of Toronto wants its tourist to be able to locate maps and information about the city at key tourist stops. Through Astral Media the city has used the InfoToGo pillars as its main communication method at key tourist location;