Trade Sync installed more than 55 shelters in Toronto, York, East York, North York, Etobicoke and Scarborough. The new shelters are part of Astral Media
The Calgary LRT is rated as one of the most cost-effectiveness light rail system in North America, thus a refurbishment in the infrastructure was needed on the 1981 downtown stations. The project managed by PCL Construction allowed
The TTC Bingham Loop has existed since 1922 and has since only receive one upgrade in 1954. However in the October 2010 the Loop was rebuild to include new pavement, reconstruction of street car track, new seating and new over head canopy structure. Trade Sync installed
Part of a multi phase install, Trade Sync has completed the first install phase of the Zum Bus Shelters in Brampton. Zum is a City of Brampton initiative that will introduce Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services
What started in 2006, as a five year plan to improve the ridership and provide better transit service in Winnipeg is in its final stages. In the summer of 2010, Trade Sync installed an additional 30 shelters,
University of Maryland is providing its students and faculty with a better commute. Henry H. Lewis Construction and Enseicom enlisted Trade Sync to install 3 new shelters.
Trade Sync is well-known for installing custom build shelters. Working with Enseicom and Kemi Constructions in Atlanta, GA., Trade Sync installed 11 unique shelters;
Rated as one of the best transportation system in America, the CUMTD (Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District) continues to satisfy their commuters by adding more bus shelters. In May 2010, Trade Sync installed one double cantilever shelter
The new high capacity shelter at the UBC Okanagan campus is one of a kind, fitted with benches, LED lighting, radiant heating on demand and automatic doors.